I'm working on something a little different today. It's really fun but i'm not too sure how well it will go over in my Etsy shop. There is just something amazing in watching my larger drawing shrink down to this tiny treasure! Maybe I'm just weird but it totally takes me back to my childhood playing with this stuff with my mom. Even if I don't put any of this on Etsy, I'm still doing it for the fun of it! :)
Soooo I've made lots of fun things for my etsy shop! I'm trying my hand at scrapbook embellishments...so far i've only sold one set. so i'm not sure if it's going to take off or not. I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. I've got such a schmorgishboard (sp??) of creations...oh well. i'll figure it out someday! until then i'm having fun coming up with new ideas! be sure and check out my shop! leave me a comment on here if you do so i will know you stopped by! :)